Traveling Update
I’m writing this blog from the bed in my Airbnb in Cincinnati, Ohio. I just got done packing and I have about an hour and a half before I need to head to the airport to catch my flight to Detroit, Michigan. It will be the fifth city on ‘Autumn’s World Tour’. Previously I had been in Seattle, Portland, and Minneapolis. My travels began on the first of July with a few weeks break back home in Gilbert, Arizona. At this point, many people know that I’m traveling around the country for a healthy portion of this summer/fall. And from that, I’ve gotten many questions. So now that I’ve gotten a good part of it under my belt, I figured I’d give you guys an update and answer some of those.
FAQAC (frequently asked questions and comments)
‘You’re doing this all alone?!’
A: Well, only sort of. Out of the 10 trips I have booked so far (Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, Cincinnati, Detroit, LA, Cruise, Chicago, DC, NY), there isn’t a single city where I don’t know at least one person. So that helps. And Shanny is on two of those (Detroit, Cruise). But I don’t mind being on my own anyway. If you’re thinking about traveling alone, check out this blog I wrote on it.
‘Hotel or Airbnb?’
A: A mix. It really depends. Airbnb used to be the more cost-efficient option but now I’d say they’re similarly priced. There are a couple of things I consider when deciding between the two. The first is whether or not there is a WeWork office in the city. I am working on these trips and go to WeWork when I can. But, for example, there isn’t a WeWork in Cincinnati so I’d need a working friendly living space. An Airbnb is better for that than a hotel. Another thing I consider is what part of my trip it’s in. If it’s at the end, I’ll probably want a kitchen, a couch, and certainly, a washer and dryer. And lastly, location, location, location. I try to map out the major things I’ll want to do in a city prior to booking lodging so I can choose something centrally located to all the activities I’ll be doing. That informed my decision to stay in an Airbnb in Seattle and a hotel in Portland.
‘Flying or driving?’
A: Sometimes the train! I took the train to Seattle from Portland and I’ll be taking the train to New York from DC. I love train rides. It’s more scenic than a flight, cheaper, and roomier. But it doesn’t always make sense time-wise. So where that doesn’t work, I fly. I’d love for this to be a road trip but I’m a really nervous driver and I’ll avoid it at all costs. And I barely know how to turn on my wipers let alone change a tire or any other emergency maintenance.
‘It’s not a world tour if you’re only doing US cities.’
A: I HEAR YOU. When things get better I’ll be on the first flight out of here. But until now this is what I can manage. London, don’t worry, you’ll be seeing me soon.
‘Speaking of, is all this traveling safe with the rise in cases?’
A: No one has actually asked me this yet but it has been on my mind. It is obviously a risk traveling this much, even though I’m fully vaccinated. I still feel fine about it and get tested before each leg. But it’s entirely possible things could escalate to a place where I no longer feel comfortable doing this.
‘I could never do that because I’d be so tired/stressed.’
A: This one I do actually get a lot. And I get it, this is definitely not for everyone. But I don’t feel any more tired or stressed than I did when I wasn’t traveling if we’re being quite honest. There are two ways to combat this. The first is good planning, which I get in itself can be stressful to some. But having a list of activities and restaurants I’m interested in prior to going somewhere makes being there much easier. The second is listening to your body and your emotions. If I’m drained, I don’t push it. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with just having dinner and going back to my Airbnb. This isn’t the travel olympics, I’m just trying to have a good time.
And last, but certainly, not least:
‘How’s it going?’
A: My pinky toe has a blister from wearing the same shoes every single day and I’m sad I’m not caught up on my TV shows. My bank account is also crying. My sleep schedule is a little messed up from being in three different time zones in the same month. I’m SO TIRED of picking up my suitcase. But I’ve gotten to see people I haven’t spent time with in years. I’ve made new friends who will be around for a while. I’ve met some of you! I’ve eaten delicious food, had a few drinks, many laughs, and made even more memories. So, overall, I’d say it’s going pretty well.

And if you’re interested in the details of my trip, check out my viz on it coming soon :)
Until then, stay fly. And who knows, I may be coming to a city near you.